Thursday, March 8, 2012

Yesterday was not such a happy day..

this sounds way better than, 'it was a sad sad day', right? I used to play this game called 'Mafia mafia' and the game facilitator would announce this sentence every round of the game when someone is out of the game. Monday midnight, I went to my Facebook after I published my post and was shocked to hear the news that a friend lost her baby at 8th month pregnancy. I was quite disturbed by this news that I could not really sleep that night resulted a tired and sleepy Tuesday. Hence, no post on Tuesday night because had to sleep early. Everything about this couple (they're quite close to SJ and I) just kept on running in my head over and over again and I thought of them so much the whole of yesterday.

I guess I'm feeling really sad for them because I'm also going to be a parent soon and it's so devastating to have this unfortunate incident to happen. It made me believe even more that many things are not in our hands.. it's in God's hands. I'm not a spiritual person but I do believe there's a bigger force out there. Maybe certain things are just meant or not meant to be. I really hope this couple will recover soon emotionally and physically.

One of the topic that I researched on when I was in uni studying Psychology was on coping with changes in life stages and how much stress each person would experience when going through these stages such as positive ones; starting work, getting married, being a new parent, children leaving home, being a grandparent etc and the negative aspects; divorce, death of family members, death of best friends etc. Death of spouse was rated as the most stressful of all followed by death of child. I remembered that I did not agree with the findings because I really think they both should be rated the same. There were some coping mechanisms suggested but there is really not much other people can do or say to make the situation better. SJ was very sweet suggesting that maybe we should send flowers to the couple but I thought we better not because they might not want to be reminded about this.

So, it's really true when people said that babies are miracles! And I'm thankful everyday that I'm blessed with many wonderful things happening and people around me every single day. I'm appreciating everyday and I wouldn't want everyday to go by feeling less grateful or thankful for all these great things happening to me. There is no reason to not smile everyday (especially after I had a Bell's Palsy scare!) or getting angry/frustrated over small things. MUST SMILE EVERYDAY! On a happier note, baby is moving/kicking a lot these two days (yesterday & today)!! Maybe because baby knows that Mommy is worrying a lot & baby's kicks is reminding me to not be a worry pot!. Must stop worrying or not my baby will be a worry pot too! :S Can't wait to see baby (in the ultrasound) on Friday!!!

Going to end this post with this quote by Mickey Rivers, "Don't worry about things that you have no control over, because you have no control over them. Don't worry about things that you have control over, because you have control over them". Haha. This make really good sense! ;)


  1. Be grateful & happy everyday. It is truly a blessing that we've been given a miracle. Little SJ is going to be a lucky & happy baby to have you & SJ as parents. And stop worrying! :-D

  2. Thanks amazongel ;) Yes, must be grateful & happy everyday! and I shall try to stop worrying :P

  3. btw, amazongel is me, Audrey Loong...hehehehe

  4. Hehe! Ok Audrey! I sort of guessed that it's one of you girls ;)
