Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I am 28 weeks pregnant!

Picture taken on the 21st April 2012, all dressed up because I was going for a wedding dinner. 

It has been almost a month since I last posted in this journal, when I was in week 24 and now, I'm week 28 already! Past 4 weeks have been really crazy, hectic and busy! Last month has been the most productive and active month in this entire pregnancy. I was waking up early almost everyday, I could get ready to get to work in less than half an hour. It was almost the same time I needed before I got pregnant. It's true that 2nd trimester is the pregnancy honeymoon. 

SJ & I had our 'babymoon' in Macau and Hong Kong two weeks ago and it was great walking and eating a lot. We had a lot of fun and this was definitely one of our last holidays for the next few years. Shall post about our babymoon soon!

Updates of my pregnancy for week 28:
1. I have gained a total of 10.5 kilograms as of 16th of April, when I weighed at my monthly antenatal visit. My target is to gain NOT more than 15 kilograms in total for this pregnancy. So far, I think I'm doing quite alright. 
2. Measured my belly circumference and it's 40 inches last Sunday. It has stayed at 39 inches for many weeks, from week 22 until week 27. SJ thinks it's because I grew too fast at the beginning and my tummy is growing slower now. 
3. Could hardly fit into some of my clothes :( Have to fold and put them away soon to make space for bigger clothes and baby clothes in my wardrobe. 
4. Have set myself on a weekend-only-sweets diet (except when I was in Macau & Hong Kong) and so far, I have been quite disciplined. Quite proud of myself and the fear of getting gestational diabetes really gives me the motivations. 
5. I think I'll be having 'cankles' soon, that is I'm losing my ankles due to swollen ankles :( It's called 'cankles' because the calf and ankles seemed to have merge together. I am trying my very best to delay and reduce the swollen feet and appearance of cankles which comes in the later stage of pregnancy by making sure I drink very little water after dinner time (at about 8pm), elevating my feet when I am sleeping at night and practicing more yoga moves. 
6. The major thing other than my 'cankles' that I have noticed is that my skin looks really good nowadays :)))) I can see that my facial skin is glowing & shiny, plus my pores sizes have reduced. This is probably one of the happiest thing about pregnancy; the hormones have made my skin smoother now :) I used to be very conscious if I don't put any make-up on but I'm ok without any makeup nowadays.
7. Also noticed that there are noticeably lines/veins on my feet and upper thighs :((( This could be due to long and frequent walks when I was in Macau and Hong Kong. I have to make a mental note to rest of feet more frequently because I really don't want to develop unsightly varicose veins. 
8. Yoga moves are getting harder nowadays. I was panting and my face was red during and after yoga class today. I am really getting bigger and heavier!

As I am entering 3rd trimester now (week 28 onward), I am easily tired nowadays. I am not sure if it's from the Macau-HK trip or the 3rd trimester but I have been sleeping early nowadays since the holidays, hence, no motivation to post in this journal. Feeling much heavier and clumsy too.  

Baby been moving extremely a lot and I am always excited when baby moves ;))) Baby loves to move in the mornings and before I sleep, that is because I always have baby plus lessons on in the mornings before work and before I go to sleep. Baby was so active today and I could see my tummy bouncing and vibrating this morning in the office! It was both amazing, funny and weird at the same time! It's amazing that I am falling in love with this living thing inside me that I have not even met yet. Can't wait to meet baby in person!