Sunday, June 2, 2013

Z is learning so fast! Z at 10 months plus

Z is learning & growing so fast that we were so shocked & impressed with his progress. This week has been eventful as Z is showing us many things that he know and new things that he could do.

Physically, Z is constantly practicing his stand and he is standing longer and more stable now. He has been sleeping between us on our bed since 6 months old even though we 'planned' to move him to his own room at 6 months when we first had him but that didn't happen :(( I love the idea of co-sleeping and its so convenient when he wakes up at night for feed. I could just breast feed him while lying down & I would usually fall asleep first before he finishes. I also loved the mornings when he wakes up & cuddle with me. It was really nice but we really have to move him before he gets smarter and refused to go! We were quite adamant to move the cot to his own room last weekend but failed to do that & again, failed this weekend. Hopefully we can move him to his own room by end of June. Am not looking forward to his long & probably frequent cries for being left in his cot & room in the first few days. Am visualizing very hard that this transition will be a pleasant one.

We have been putting him in his cot at night when it's time for bed & he has been pulling himself up & then fall on his buttocks & do it all over again, with both of us lying on the bed silently in the dark watching him & wondering/guessing how long he could go before he just lie down & falls asleep. Some nights he could go for at least 30 to 50 times I think. Usually after about 15 minutes of him pulling himself up & standing on his cot, falls on his buttock & up again, SJ would then try to persuade & coax him to lie down. It's so much work but SJ is really good at this. I usually gives up in less than 10 mins & SJ had to take over.

Here are photos of Z standing in his cot with his pacifier on one morning last week. 

Z also discovered drawers! His observation skills is amazing & he could work out how to open things by just observing what the adults do. It's quite scary knowing that he can imitate the adults so well. We have to be careful of what we do or say from now onward. Babies absorb everything like a sponge!

Z was opening & closing the drawers in our wardrobe. It's time to buy those child safety locks to ensure the drawers would not fall on him. 

Z can entertain and play by himself now. This is probably the best and most fun thing at the moment; he cannot run all over yet but he can sit down by himself without needing us by his side. He could sit in his cot in the mornings for a good 20-30 mins without making a noise while I take my own sweet time to get ready for work. 30 mins is a luxury for me, I used to be rushing like a mad woman & could get out in less than 10 mins. Things are getting better now!

Z is growing faster and I am having a hard time catching up with him. He is looking like a little boy & no longer a baby. I am beginning to miss the little baby Z but at the same time, am relieved that my little baby is growing so well. SJ thinks I would miss Z being a baby when he is all grown up. I guess by then, I would just look at my few thousands photos and posts in this blog over & over again :P