Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Z is 10 months old!

He is turning 1 year in 2 months time! I have started planning a litte for Z's first birthday bash. His birthday theme is going to be 'Under the Sea' and I am going to make a all fresh fruits only birthday cake for him! So excited!

Photos of Z taken this morning. He was holding on to his pacifier, putting it into his mouth and repeated that over again. This is one of his favourite thing to do since he mastered this skill when he was about 7 months old. The best way to take his photo nowadays where he would look at the camera is by taking the photo 'with' him using the front camera. I guess he likes to see his face on the screen.

Z been growing and learning so much in these past few weeks and we were so amazed with his development. Z is crawling really fast now, he doesn't do the normal crawl with his knees but with the commando crawl on his chest. He pushes his body with his right leg most of the time and this resulted him moving towards one side which is quite funny to watch. He could turn around really fast and moves really quickly when he sees someone with a piece of food. He has also begun to hold on tables/sofas and pull himself up quite easily and able to stand unassisted for a few seconds.

He is able to identify the people and things around him. He would turn at every sound and he has an eye for details. He has started to babble and could babble words with 'ma', 'da', 'na' sounds. His existing 8 teeth are growing quite well and huge. He has more teeth coming out and he is interested in his banana teeter again. He abandoned his banana teeter for  while but started to chew on it again today.

Z has learnt to crawl and sit up by himself. Bedtime is harder as he would sit up and continue to explore his surroundings instead of going to bed. We know it will get worse when he starts to stand and walk. We made the biggest mistake by letting him to fall asleep on our bed a few months back. Ever since then, he loves the warmth of our bed and been sleeping between us. Each time we put him into his cot, he would wake up quicker and wailed when he knows he is not in our bed. Our plan is to move the cot to Z's room soonest and to sleep train him to sleep by himself as soon as possible. I like the idea of co-sleeping with him but I know that Z needs to sleep by himself soon because it would only get harder when he is older.

Z is still not sleeping through the night yet. Yes, this is part of being a breast-fed baby. Breast-fed babies will sleep through the night slower which I am fine with it. I used to plan and think of ways on how to have Z sleep through the night as soon as possible but decided to stop thinking about this when Z was about 6 months old. I just thought when Z is ready, he would sleep through himself . Maybe he would sleep through the night when we move him to his own room, . I have got used to waking up a few times at night. My sleep deprivation is not bothering me anymore and I can function quite well during the day. Lack of sleep and breast-feeding has resulted me back to my pre-pregnancy weight in 4 months!

My baby is growing so fast! There are so many things I want to do with him and for him but there is just not enough time!! Being a working mom is definitely not easy. I love what I do and I love my family but I could only pick one at one time. It's really too bad that I can't be super great in both at the same time :(((

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My first Mother's Day!

A year ago on Mother's Day in 2012

and this year, it's such a special Mother's Day because it's my very first Mother's Day! 

SJ was away for a business trip and I spent the whole of Mother's Day Sunday with my Mom. It was simple and nice to be able to spend some quiet time at home. The past few months have been crazy busy as I've got busier with work plus maintaining a house is no easy job. This Mother's Day brought a whole new realization to me: Being a mother is probably one of the toughest job ever. It's difficult and satisfying at the same time. All in the name of LOVE. 

I want to dedicate this Mother's Day to all women out there who are struggling with infertility, miscarriage and infant/child loss. I am so thankful and grateful to have this wonderful experience of being a mother and I appreciate my mother even more now. These statements are clearer to me now: You'll never understand the sacrifices that parents make until you become a parent, and Daughters appreciate mothers more especially after they become mothers themselves. Now I wonder if Sons feel the same towards their parents. 

Hope everyone had a meaningful Mother's Day. A constant reminder to myself: I should appreciate my parents and people around me all the time before it's too late. Everyday should be special! 

Ending this post with a picture of my ever-young looking dearest Mommy with her favourite person at the moment, her grandson!