Monday, July 16, 2012

16th July 2012: Our last antenatal visit before baby's here!

July 20th 2012, this Friday is the date that we're going to induce labour if baby doesn't arrive naturally before that. We saw Dr Choong at our 12.15pm appointment today and as usual, he would take my blood pressure and the result is normal. My urine test result is also good. Did an ultrasound and baby's head is still down and his heartbeats sounds really strong and loud today. It seemed much louder and clearer today, maybe because baby is bigger; or maybe Dr. Choong turned up the volume of his ultrasound machine. I always love seeing the black and white images on the screen especially when Dr is focusing on the blinking part, which is the heart!  

Dr. Choong then proceed to measure baby's head circumference, abdominal circumference and the length of baby's femur bone. Before I could really see the numbers at the bottom of the ultrasound machine screen, SJ exclaimed loudly, 'WAH! 4.1kg!'. Dr. Choong measured everything again (I think twice) and finally he said that baby is estimated to weigh 3.732kg today. This is just an estimate; baby's real weight could be plus minus 400grams. I think Dr. Choong gave me a lower weight number so that I would not be so frightened about delivering a huge baby. He doesn't know that I am actually fine to deliver a big baby because my antenatal class practitioner told us that a woman delivered a 4.9kg baby in normal birth, a new record; and I thought since that woman can do it, I'm sure I can do it too. Anyway, I don't think my baby will be more than 4.5 kg. 

Ultrasound for today! Baby's head is on the right and his body is on the left. I cannot make out his head and body as baby grows (that was about since week 30).All we could see was his heart and his spine. Baby is 3.73 kg and Mommy has gained 18 kg in this whole pregnancy.

After that, we sat down and told Dr. Choong that we have decided on the induction date; which is this Wednesday, 18th July. Dr. Choong felt that 18th is too early to induce. He really doesn't recommend induction of labour because it would cause a lot of stress on both the mother and baby with a higher risk of having cesarean section. He explained that my pregnancy has been a very good and smooth one, my placenta is functioning really well; that is why baby can be so big because baby is able to absorb all the nutrients via the placenta. The date that he recommended for inducing labour is between 23rd and 26th, which is almost 2 weeks from my EDD. 

I was telling him about I'm just worried if something is not well; I was telling SJ that I couldn't feel baby much yesterday and I was quite worried over the weekend; my mom was concerned about baby suffocating etc, which Dr. Choong thinks that there is really nothing to worry about because everything about my pregnancy has been good. SJ was nodding and completely agrees with him. SJ always thinks that I'm such a worry-pot! They both don't think that my placenta will stop functioning or baby suddenly unable to live in the womb after EDD because the EDD is just an estimate, it's not the final date of baby in the womb. SJ's colleague, SY told me that if we pick an induction date, baby would usually come out earlier than the date that we picked because the baby is afraid of getting induced. We'll see if this is true!

After listening to Dr. Choong, I am feeling more confident and my mood was lifted. I told SJ that I should see Dr. Choong every 3-4 days so I could get a confidence boost every 3-4 days. There have been so many people telling and asking me why am I not inducing earlier or having a c-section now since I've passed my EDD for so long?! It's only 4 days!! Met a colleague in the hospital after my Dr's visit and she also asked the same thing. It's a world of difference when speaking with Dr. Choong and I am so thankful that he has cleared all my doubts. I know that many people have good intention but they usually based their opinions solely on their one or two experiences. Dr. Choong has more than 30 years of experience and I trust and have confidence in him. He is very logical and he speaks very sensibly. I am definitely happy to have him as my doctor ;) 

So, now it's just another 4 days to go before baby arrives by 20th, which is this Friday!!! Can't wait! Baby could be coming anytime earlier but Friday is definitely the last day! I asked Dr if I need to prepare or do anything before I get admitted. He told us to have a very nice dinner on Thursday night and then get admitted after dinner, at about 10pm on Thursday. Then, a pill will be inserted vaginally to ripen and soften the cervix on that night. I would be given an intravenous drip the next morning and inducing of labour will commence. If everything goes smoothly, baby should be delivered by Friday evening. I was wondering would inducing labour will have a short labour and delivery? Dr. Choong told me that some people could take days; some needed to be induced twice and some would have a quick one. So there is nothing certain. I hope my labour would not take days because I wouldn't want Dr. Choong to work on weekends. Must tell baby to be good and quickly come out to see Daddy and Mommy!

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