Friday, November 15, 2013

Z started walking at 15.5 months on 31st October 2013!

Z has been cruising, holding on to things or people while walking at 10 months plus. He is a very careful baby, he wouldn't go to areas that were new or different. We were very amused at this behaviour. He would test by touching the different designed tiles/glass doors/walls with his finger tips before he decides if it is safe to venture to these new areas. I had no idea where he got this trait from as I am definitely not a careful and gentle person. So, he definitely got this trait from his Dad.

Z has been cruising for months. He dare not stand on his own without support. At about 14 months, he would sometimes be so mesmerized with the things that he was seeing and he forgot about the support, he just let go of things while standing & started clapping. We noticed that he could stand unsupported but once Z realised that he wasn't holding on to things, he would either quickly hold on to something or sit down on the ground.

A few weeks later, Z was getting more stable and was walking more. My favourite moment is when Z's tiny cute hand hold on to my index finger while we walk together. He walked like a drunken person with a cute grin on his face, he was so happy with his new achievement. He could walk by himself unsupported if he 'thought' someone was holding on to him. Our helper, L told us if we hold on to his collar at the back, urging him to walk & assuring him that we were holding him, he could walk by himself with us holding very minimally for quite a long distance. This proves that it's all in the mind, when you think you have a safety net or someone to depend on if you fall, that gives you confidence to move ahead without worry!

On the 30th October, SJ & I witnessed Z took a few steps unsupported. He would quickly (almost running) walked from the sofa to the table (about 3-5 steps) and then back. Our baby wants to run before mastering the skill of walking! He was doing that with the grandparents, great-grandma, uncle & parents cheering on. He has such a huge cheering squad!

We were saying to each another that Z could be walking unsupported in a week time but we were wrong because he was was walking by himself the next day!

On the 31st October 2013, Z walked by himself unsupported. A new milestone! It was such a nice discovery for me after I got home from work. He was laughing so much each time he walked. It was such a funny & happy scene seeing him walking unsteadily. He got so excited that he just kept on walking and walking; practising his new found freedom & skill!

A week later he was mastering his skill of getting up to a stand position from the floor and has successfully achieved that the next day, on the 11th July 2013! He has been doing a lot of squats with a lot of encouragement from Grandma. He could do squats to a music beat, which is really funny to watch! Yesterday he mastered picking up things from the floor while he was standing!

My baby is growing so fast. Time to baby-proof the house & talk to him more about being safe in the house.

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